ms. lavimore'' 'the pressure will be equalized by the time you reach bottom.' [thud] 'one moment, please.' 'your gun, mr. muller.' 'in here, please.' gun? 'the one the scanner shows in your shoulder holster.' oh, oh, ooh, that gun, huh? well, i sure do recognize that face. 'yes, it's the same man you fished out of the water.' he's having a heck of a time gettin' buried, ain't he? 'i'm afraid he never will be.' 'it was dr. ross' personal destiny' 'to be in a side corridor when a hydro-wall collapsed.' 'dr. ross's remains will be incinerated and disposed of' and.' 'but here's dr. foster.' 'he's going to bring you here to me. ' [dr. foster laughing] 'hello, there.' welcome to our valhalla beneath the sea. well, that's what we like, ain't it, honey? a happy man. [laughs] this way, please. alright, laugh it up and keep on your toes i'm gonna jump our fat friend as soon as i get a chance. oh, hey, ain't this where that ross fella caught it, doc? here? oh, yes, so it is, mr. muller. a terrible thing to happen to the old boy. listen, if it's not too painful reminiscing