ms. lester did, 80% of the work is going to people outside of san francisco. that is not fair. we are talking about a fair distribution of the work between san francisco construction workers -- construction workers between san francisco and those who live outside of the city. this would make all of the difference in the world for our construction work force. i know plenty of people that are out of work, and journeymen and apprentices. we really support this. i think it will make a big difference for the people in bayview hunters point who suffer from the highest unemployment in the city, i believe. thank you. supervisor avalos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> supervisors, how are you. i am a member of the chinese president association. my husband is a plumber right now. he is unemployed. each month, he has only a few days of work. this is not just limited to him. his friends are also like that. when people do not have work, they have to move to another city. some of them even had to move back to turn up. -- move back to china. the chinese progressive association main goal i