ms. lofgren: mr. speaker, i have long been a champion of creating green card program for foreign students with advanced degrees from america's great research universities. coming from silicon valley, i'm fortunate enough to see firsthand the new technologies, the new companies, the new jobs that such innovators create every day in the district i represent. there's no question that a stem green card program is the right thing to do for our country. for that reason, it pains me greatly to say i can't support this flawed bill. i can't support a bill that pits communities against one another. this -- i certainly admire the gentleman from arizona on his staple act. i know that he has pushed for this over the congresses, but his staple act did not eliminate the diversity visa program, as this does. our colleagues say on the other side of the aisle that a stem visa program is critical to the future of this country, and i agree, but if that's true, why poison the bill with an unrelated provision to eliminate