ms. malcolm or someone else was engaged or some preliminary weights can be set as -- you know, a suggestion to the commission to the puc that they can start to begin to think how these would compare in these areas for cleanpowersf so that we can just start moving forward. i mean it sounds like the enernex report is a path forward and i want to see we're not stalling things with waiting on a meeting. i think on the staff side creating some of the suggested rates or preliminary rates could be a way that we could move the ball. >> so the enernex report provides good information. it does not describe a new program. >> i understand that -- but it's also set out -- said in the report some of the things can't be done until the sf puc sets the rates. >> and we can't set the rates or we can't propose rates to our commission until we know resource mix, costs, size of the program. we put all that data together with the policy guidance we got from the commission for 100% renewable programs, 20-30-megawatts in size, that kind of information was known to us and we put the program together. now, we're see