ms. mccaskill: mr.president, i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the consideration of s. res. 315, introduced he willier today. the presiding officer: there is a quorum call in progress. ms. mccaskill: i ask that the quorum call be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. mccaskill: i ask that the senate proceed to s. res. 315 introduced earlier today. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: commending the s. louis cardinals on their hard-fought world series victory. the presiding officer: without objection, the senate will froatd measure. ms. mccaskill: i ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, the motion to reconsider be laid on the table, with no intervening action or debate and any related statements be printed in the record as if read. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. mccaskill: mr. president, in st. louis this fall, we had many things that were special and different. we had the rally squirr