ms. mcdonnell before we get into the substance of the book tell us a little bit about yourself. >> it is great to be with you i am a senior education fellow at the foundation for economic education celebrating our 76 year anniversary this year as the oldest free-market think chain and a scholar at the cato institute of the freelance writer and as you mentioned the author of untold which came on 2019 the spring of 2019 that had a quite a bit of renewed interest over the past year plus given full shutdowns in the upsurge in interest in homeschooling and alternatives to school for tickly with school shutdown and delayed reopening plans. >> on the practical level have you been in the preschool level or the school-age? >> i am a homeschooling mom myself i have four children who have never been in school who range from 7 - 14 and high-end personal experience and reflection but i travel the country in writing the book and i visit other homeschooling families as well as learning centers and other alternatives that are really catered to families looking for something different customize for their