ms. mcmillan has been nominated to serve as administrative and fte. she has served as deputy administrator as fte since 2009 and she became acting administrator in july of this year. as stepi ideputy administrators has played a key role of the implementations of the reforms. senator, would you like to make an opening statement? >> no, thank you, mr. chairman, i don't have an opening same to make. i understand we're going to do this on a voice vote. and we would be supportive of doing so. >> mr. chairman? >> yes. >> could i just have a statement included in the reported at there point? >> you may. >> in the interest of mainta maintaining a quorum, i ask other senators to withhold -- statements may also be entered into the record. without objection, we will now vote on the nominations of ms. ramirez to be assistant secretary of housing and urban development and ms. mcmillan to be the federal transit administrator at the u.s. department of transportation. those in favor say aye. those opposed say they. the eyes have it. the results are here reported verb