ms. milken about the horrific murder suicide that happened in the home about a year earlier. she was shocked so she sued the former homeowners saying they had a duty to disclose the bloody history of the home. so far two courts ruled against her. she is seeking a hearing in pennsylvania's highest court. welcome to you both. this is unbelievable to me. i look at the law pennsylvania real estate disclosure law. immaterial may effect the property but are not defects of the structure of the home. you need not disclose the existing of a group home next door, information that a crime occurred in the house like a murder suicide or information that a sexual predator lives in the neighborhood or right next door. none of that needs to be disclosed, mark? >> no, no. if the realtor did i would sue the realtor. under the law legally. forget about morally. legally it is capitalistic society. the realtor cannot disclose. i am moving for summary judgment because had the realtor disclosed he would have been violating the law in pennsylvania as it exists right now. the homeowners don't have to