ms. milner baltimore, seeing what the coast guard is doing, the cbc, i appreciate that keeping our country safe. thank you. >> thank you. >> the gentleman's time expired. you've been here well over two hours. i thank you very much. i have one question. ranking member a question also. for the record, mr. smith, he had to leave this hearing. three questions he would like responses to if possible bite end of february. i submit them for the record without objection so ordered and get those questions on to you. a question i have myself is that in a total of 2011 a select group of mexico based trucking carriers granting provisional operating authority allowing them access throughout the united states and eventually permanent authority. section 703 of the safe port act requires the secretary of homeland security and transportation, no later than april 2008. the department has yet to issue those guidelines. november 21st of blast year, chairwoman miller and i wrote an oversight letter expressing concerns about the pilot and january 20th, your staff got back to us, currently drafting guidelines and