ms. miss ronen possesses personal traits that we have seen in great leaders. above and beyond basic qualifications for the job, she has consistently advocated for righteous civil rights, causes such as women's rates medical care, criminal justice reform and education. these are things that advance all of humanity forward to, all of us, all san franciscans, for all of the supervisors in all of the districts. she has integrity that she habitually demonstrates when she does good, when nobody is looking. not because she's going to get some benefit or political favor, or personal gain. she does it because it is the right thing. is the human thing. regardless of how inconvenient it may need to her. -- it maybe to her. she has consistently been courageous, which inspires us motivates us makes us wonder why when she has health care, she has education, and she has had women's rates. -- women's rights. she has not had to abandon her political point of view because she is so courageous when exercising her diplomacy. she has never had to give one up for the other. let me