ms. mogherini: and it is almost impossible. first-generation roman, that there are some cases of true romans, seven but the onlyoman ones i know, they are all jewish romans. rome would not be rome without its jewish community. and even the food would not be the same, and this would be a real disaster. europe would not be europe without european jews and their culture. that is our own culture. and this is not just about history. and is about our present about our future. it is about the very essence of our european union. after the holocaust with azism andn from nz fascism, we decided to build a civilization based on diversity. diversity is who we are. we haven that, it is to chosen to me. it is not giving up our own backgrounds and identities. on the contrary, we have tried to build a union where all different identities can live together and grow together -- the french and german, the eastern and the western, the christian,rotestant, did you come the muslim, and the nonbeliever. i know this might sound idealistic in times when