ms. moss's comments in looking at shadows, we should be looking at the people they're impacting so i am happy to see the staff went out to do the site visits but i think some of the characteristics of the parks were slightly off, i know there's capacity limits but i think repeated visits to parks shows that sports courts might be used for exercise or people may con ge -- congregate on them, they get used in multiple different ways. so, to that end, i want to talk a little bit about the impact fees. i wanted to understand better how the different impact fees are allocated from the projects and then also -- maybe i could ask staff to answer that question first. >> good afternoon, commissioners, adam from the planning department, i manage our plan implementation work which occurs after we adopt our neighborhood plans and our team also chairs the inner agency plan implementation committee which josh alluded to earlier, so commissioner wu, just to sort of describe the general process and maybe you can help me specify specifically what you're looking for, what we do essentially is program the impac