ms. munro: i'm so annoyed about that. he just went and took sand from the dunes and started loading it up in front of the house one day. i wondered what was going on. and it was getting bigger and bigger. i thought, what the heck? and i thought, well, they'll be neighbor, donald trump. when susie munro climbs up the earthen wall, she can see his property. he had a golf course built here and sealed it off from the locals. ms. munro: where the gate is, it runs along, that's the wall there. you can see all the gorse on top of it there. and it runs right the way 'round and right the way 'round to back of my house. reporter: basically, around your house. ms. munro: yeah, yeah. it feels like i'm in a prison. it really does. reporter: the embankment has been nicknamed "the scottish wall" in a play on trump's plan to build a wall along the u.s.-mexican border. next door, michael forbes flies the mexican flag to show his solidarity and catch the eye of golfers on the exclusive course, who enjoy a beautiful ocean view. it's a view