ms. murdock 3 minutes. >> good evening commissioner president lazarus and members thank you for asking me to come to the tenth pale for 170 based on the justice property owner to the answers on record the commissioners have been conversations with murdock now direct conversations the opportunity to be heard she specifically referenced it to commissioner wilson question whether you had direct correspondence with her on december 10th the proponents testified about the outreach i believe the members of this board would have granted me and my members of the board to grant the negotiation for neighborly concession prior to the permits just as our neighbors got the chance to do to correct the records as detailed in the packet i initiated 17 outreach between the receipt of the letter and the mandatory discretionary review address 8 outreach attempts after the dr approval 24 attempts in 5 months and as outlined in my packet no direct came back to me with the designing process the way the architect did for the other neighbors the spirit of the outreach attempt was also made to request neighborly a