ms. murkowski: mr. president, i rise today to honor a gentleman, john katz. john is a longtime public servant to the state of alaska who is set to retire at year's end. john has served alaska for more than 40 years, working for eight different governors, republican and democrats, liberals and conservatives. he once said that he was comfortable serving so many different governors because the issues for alaska were consistent, whether they be responsible resource developme development, state sovereignty, federal assistance with infrastructure. the one constant figure connecting one administration after the next over eight administrations, the one constant figure has been john katz. john started his career as a high school teacher and coach in baltimore city public schools back in 1966 following his graduation from johns hopkins university. in 1969, he earned his law degree from the university of california at berkeley, and then he moved to alaska to work as a legislative and administrative assistant to congressman pollick and then later for senator ted stevens.