ms. murkowski: thank you, mr. president. we are on the measure again, the shaheen-portman energy efficiency, also known as energy savings and industrial competitiveness act. an efficiency bill, mr. president. this shouldn't be this difficult for us. when we talk about the benefits of an all-of-the-above energy policy, the benefits that can come to us as a nation when we are more resilient with our energy sources, when we're able to access our domestic energy sources, whether they be our fossil fuels, whether they be our renewables, whether they be nuclear, we all talk about it in good, strong terms because, quite honestly, energy makes us a stronger nation. abg stows our energy resource -- access to our energy resources. i've defined a good, strong energy policy as one that allows energy to be more abundant, affordable, clean, diverse and secure. an energy policy is also about the energy that we don't consume. it's about the energy that we save because we are more efficient. it seems that we've gotten to a point, at least wi