ms. clements, welcome. >> thank you. good morning. thank you, and good morning, chairman murkowski, ranking member cantwell, and distinguishing members of the committee. i am president of good grid, a firm that specializes in energy policy and law. in 2016 to 2017, i served on the national academies of sciences, engineering, and medicine committee that produced this consensus report, enhancing resilience of our nation's electricity system. well, i will talk about the report's findings, the views i express today are my own and not the committee's. the national dialogue about resilience comes at a critical moment. the national academy's report notes that the u.s. electricity grid is increasingly vulnerable to the risk of cyber and physical attack and the increased frequency and duration of hurricanes, blizzards, floods, and other extreme weather events caused by climate change. the hurricanes you mentioned, senator cantwell, in your remarks provide the most vivid examples of the health and safety impacts that prolonged electricity outages can have on our population, especially our al