ms. murkowski: madam president, reserving the right to object, i do stand reluctantly and in the unenviable position, as my friend from north carolina has noted, as the chairman of the authorizing committee, the energy committee, i will be objecting at this time. but i want to acknowledge not only the work of the senator from north carolina, but the passion with which he has put himself into this issue which is one that i would think that all of us, whether we're from north carolina or alaska or points in between, coastal, inland, we care about our nation's environment. we care about the land that supports us. at our heart i would think that we are all conservationists. and when you think about the purposes for which land and water conservation fund was established, it is to do just exactly what senator burr has outlined, some of the good work that you see in north carolina, some of the good work you see with state side lwcf in my state and all of our states, i think we have seen that role. what the senator has laid out here today, i think is, in fairness, very right. it is a very popular p