ms. napolitano: the first day student starts, they will be given specific training. ms. napolitano: the first day student starts, they will be given specific training. they will also be made aware of what resources are available to them if something were to occur. where to go, who are the independent advocates, what they can do. we see the independent advocates as acting as gatekeepers, not reporters. in terms of do you go to the campus police, should you go to your department chair, and to be there to do appropriate follow-up. it begins with creating that culture from the day they begin on campus and consistency and persistency throughout the college experience. sen. murray: in fall 2014, california became the first state to enact a yes means yes law in defining sexual consent. can you speak about how these affirmative consent laws are empowering students and faculty? ms. napolitano: we actually changed our policy before the law changed. we have had a year's worth of experience with it. it really, in a way, shifts the burden so that the survivor is not the one always try