ms. nielsen? go ahead. >> thank you ms. nielsen for your very interesting topic. you mentioned that aps will knock on doors, so these are doors of families, i assume. i guess my question is, does aps also knock on doors of day programs or programs out there for those with special needs? >> do we visit clients at their day programs? we will if we need to connect with a client and certainly we do work closely with the golden gate regional center and so very often especially our clients that when there is abuse by others, some type of situation, it could be very advantages to visit a client at their program because it's a more neutral environment, a safer place to talk about what might be happening at home. but there are the omnibus man office is the licensed board and cares and licensed nursing homes. we work closely with the omnibus man office. they will be the lead agencies and we'll provide support as needed. does that answer your question? >> yes. thank you. >> any other questions from councilmembers? i have one. this is a painful subject to think about. you tal