ms. norris.the dod and military services have taken a number of steps albeit maybe not enough to develop a sense and refine the respect of sexual assault response programs. as individuals who are regularly involved with providing care such as sexual assault, what do you consider to be the trade mark of a good response program? >> thank you. a big problem is understanding why we go on reported, and i could see that the generals are putting their arms around this very same thing trying to explain that. and i can tell you speaking for myself and for some of the victims that i supervised over the years they don't report it because number one, it's so traumatic and ugly, and they know that there will be public knowledge so the number one fear no matter how compassion and you are is that this will go out and how could i have let this happen to me? the man have the same response when they are sexually assaulted so the number one thing is something very personal, a quick, dramatic as we to be public know