ms. gail o'connor, and i am the owner of the large tree.we had a total of two artists come out in the city, and they said, "ok, take it down." one neighbor protested too distant area people -- to distant area people, who said, "forget is, you are not going to take it down." -- "forget et." -- it." if you can do it with a rubber mallet, what about doing that with the rest of the decay that can be there? we are concerned about our neighbors. there was a church across the street. unlike the city said, there is high traffic. it has a church across the street, lots of dog walkers, kids going up to school, and it is a major shortcut for people going back and forth. it is an accident waiting to happen. we do not want to be responsible for it. the reason we got the arborist in the beginning was after that large limb fell down was to even it out, like the whole side. i am not saying that all of this arborists are wrong, but i do not think it can be made into a beautiful tree. i think it is going to be, contrary to what they say, sometimes what the c