ms. o'keefe and mr. gardiner -- i think lots of families are so used to having something that it is necessary to them. how are we going to develop what is necessary versus something that has been in place so long it is part of your everyday -- your child going to school and getting picked up from school. do you fall into the category were that is unnecessary, versus someone in special education who has mental and physical challenges? the bus is necessary. that is a necessary component to their everyday school activity. how are we discerning for families? when i really look at it, it is something i have always had, and i believe it is necessary, but when i start looking at the criteria, i have come to discern it is not necessary. i fall into that. this is not necessary for me, and i am going to have to figure out another way to get my kid to school. it is not necessary for my child's existence. have we figured out those things that can help families self assess whether they fall into the necessary busing