ms. o'keefe talk about the fact that she knows to have a company that could deliver 30,000 foods, she knows that is not in place right now because we've looked at other options. we looked seriously at what other options are available currently and we know at this time there aren't other options which is why the recommendation is made tonight for revolution foods. so we hear -- we've heard last year. we started working with them knowing there aren't the other options, that's when we really turn to improving the quality of food and increasing the number of meals that we're making in-house. so we're moving toward making more meals in-house, moving toward increasing the quality because we know we don't have the other option out there. we're going to continue to move in these directions, but we want to make sure it's clear that we are hearing you loud and clear that the quality of the food that we're receiving now has to improve and that's what we're working with revolution foods on and our own ability to produce meals in-house. >> i just want to say when i started teaching, you write essays. on