ms. padilla's alleged accomplice and another detainee who reportedly killed an american diplomat. there's some things that you are doing. i think that deserve commendation. your department has defended the nation's secrets. this year at least three times in federal courts by invoking the state secret privilege. that's something you need to do and right. and standing up for our nation's secrets, you faced a lot of criticism, i know, from the left but i think you did the right thing. i'm encouraged that you listened to members of congress and the intelligence community to oppose the release of interrogation photo. i thought that was an awfully unwise thing. the release of these photos is not necessary, and it will place american soldiers at greater risk. so even though i'm disappointed by your long delay in answering my question about the weekers, i am encouraged that -- by the uyghurs, i'm encouraged that you understood that you would not release them in the united states. so i said -- as i said at the time of your confirmation, i respect you, you know this department well, i suppo