ms. parrilla, asked her not to apply, it would be confusing. ms. wong had an older application. she's already seated by the local homeless cordoning board. >> supervisor kim: how can you be on the rules committee agenda if you are on the committee? >> she applied a while ago as did mr. langford. some of the applications have been held by the clerk's office for some time. >> (off mic) (off mic) >> she is on the shelter monitoring committee; she will not seek reappointment for the local homeless coordinating board. >> (off mic) >> okay, appreciate that clarification. i will reorder the seats. julia d'antonio [sounds like], seats 1. for seat 2, jenny parrilla. for seat 3, nicholas kimora, having direct services experience. seat 4, to andrew mendez. and seat 5 for isaac langford. >> (off mic) (off mic) >> supervisor kim: i'm not sure it we'll have an applicant for seat 6. >> (off mic) seat 4 is fine. >> supervisor kim: (laughter) city attorney? >> even though he did not apply to seat 4, you can appoint him to seat 4 as long he has been with that community health services agency. >>