ms. pelosi: not exactly. jonathan: [laughter] ms. pelosi: it is true i had other plans for dinner, like a hot dog at home. jonathan: [laughter] ms. pelosi: [laughter] i told him on a number of occasions to prepare for defeat. we all love to have more italian americans as democrats. our commonality of interest, shared values, it was not that we were sharing values with people, we have people who were true to their constituents, representative of their district. let's talk about kamala harris. we are going forward. jonathan: speaking of the house, say hello to him. ms. pelosi: hi, dan. jonathan: one of those retirees. ms. pelosi: i was in michigan last wednesday at the invitation of the governor. the spirit was high. i was with him yesterday to honor him in the michigan delegation for his service. this has been a remarkable person. he came to congress well known because of his uncle, who had been a member for many years. a really aggressive, wonderful democrat. when dan came, right from day 1, with all the respect and his name, he was e