ms. petraco. when you in the york office and understandably, you are trying to figure out what's going on here, and then already being a little concerned and then being told that you are a victim of identity theft and the engagement that happen in a public setting, just i guess in general, did the agent that you are dealing with understand, get it when he didn't want to say the information publicly with other people sitting there listening? was there just, you know, an understanding, sorry about that, or was it just more they did realize what they were doing? >> i think my tone of voice when i said no, you know, no. get information off before. she. she said okay, okay. so, you know, i just don't think she really thought about what she was saying, or you know, just didn't put it all together. >> marchers ne, social security number and not taking, you know, you know, thinking i've got -- because i ask that because again, it's an issue of training of the sensitivity of this information that we're alw