ms. pierson, the people -- >> we've lost the audio on that live shot.james holmes the man accused of the mass shooting in aurora, colorado, on friday. showing off the shock of red hair that we have so far only been able to read about, showing very little emotion. and at times, looking almost sedated, closing his eyes. this is judge william sylvester advising holmes of his rights. >> this is what's called a first advisement in which the accused is advised of his rights. of course, he'll be in detention. he's in solitary in centennial, colorado, which is about 13 miles from the arapahoe county courthouse. if we get any further details on the hearing, we'll bring them to you, of course, live. in the meantime -- we'll take you back to the courthouse. [ no audio ] >> any objection to that? >> that would be appreciated. >> thank you. do you have any objection to that, ms. pierson? we do have the motion for access to the crimes. any objection on that? >> we are anticipating later this week at some point -- they are not finished yet with some of the things that