ms. pingree: i would inquire the the gentwoman om north carolinae ha remaining spears. ms. foxx: we do, mr. speer, we'll be uing more of our time ms. pingree: i reserve. e spker pro mpe: the gentlelady reserves. e gentlelady from nrth carolina. . foxx: ank you, mr. spear. ere her reasons w this re d this bl deserve no votes. thbill lacks proper ovsigh foth tarp threeogram becae it wouldot be subject to the effective oversig of the specia inspecreneral for tarp otheise knowas sig tarp. lieve my colleagu mr. clinto, pointeout someof this concernn hismark but on fruary 19 o this year sig tarp'satchdog sent a letter to t assistan secretary for finaial ility. concerned exessed treasu's decision to remove tarp 3 the oversight and warn s ve wld be terrly wasteful d could lead to asignifican exposure twast fraud, and abuse if all ts weren'enough, amics should knhatarp 3 creates more unctainty like the original tarp megabank bailout, the federalovernment willnce again at its scretion be ableo reach intoherd rooms and etbooks of private sector firms and employees. the useof the origi