ms. plaskett: what would you consider severe discipline? ms. leonhart: i would consider what happened with the cartagena agentses to discipline. ms. plaskett: what about agents given two to 10 days of paid leave? ms. leon hart: i am not happy with that. ms. plaskett: you're not in the disciplinary process but responsible for the discipline? ms. leon hart: i am responsible for the whole agencies. i am responsible to set up a mechanism to send messages to our ply ployees to hold people accountable if they are not -- if they are going to conduct this misbehavior, that they have significant discipline. that is what i have done over the last couple years to send that message to make sure our employees, number one, report, report their allegations, and number two hold managers accountable for not reporting. number three, make sure that we set up a process, have good o.p.r. inspectors. i was one at one time. do the investigations. so that our disciplinary process, our board of conduct that proposes and our deciding officials have all the information t