ms. pollitt. both parents would not have to work if they did not have to support the giant government you advocate for. >> well, actually, americans pay less in taxes than in other industrialized countries. i think it is a huge myth that americans are so burdened by taxes and get nothing back from it. you get lots back from it. most of the things that government pays are are things like we do have an enormous military and when people complain about taxes that doesn't come up too often, but i think that if you want to have a society that takes care of people, where people don't end up on the streets, where the schools are good, where people have health care, then you have to pay for it. it is the way you have to pay for everything. that's the thing that nobody can say in politics because if you say, hey, we have to raise taxes, then people, there are a lot of people like your caller there who think that's really just the worst thing in the world. i want to live in a society that doesn't have people