ms. pollitz?> the proposals to allow sale across the state lines in the congress to date are a prescription for insurance fraud. there would be little practical ability of the licensing state to regulate insurance sold across the 50 states. imagine if the ohio commissioner had to keep track of policies sold in california and texas, they are not set up for that. it's the notion of peacekeeping mandated benefits as a total red herring. the reason that health insurance costs more and new jersey compared to maryland, where i live, which has been cited as the champion of mandated benefits, supposedly we have more in maryland than anywhere, is and new jersey everybody has to be offered health insurance. you can't be turned down because you have cancer and in maryland you can so it's cheaper and insurance will also -- >> mr. cannon talked about that in the previous question. >> we have to come back to what is the basis in the competition in health insurance right now, and it is competition to avoid sick