ms. porter. anyone else is welcome. when you call the office of the chief, you will get a voice and a person. i do not have an suv. there will be no more suv's. that is a little more expensive. small things, and that the mayor's office today to discuss a draft organizational chart. we hope to have that done relatively soon. president mazzucco: great, thank you. any questions of the chief republican -- of the chief? commissioner slaughter: i think the rest of the commission will second it. you happen to get your command staff. i am not all surprised to hear that you're working on it, and afford to see what you decide. president mazzucco: commissioner chan? commissioner chan: thank you, chief, for making these changes. i did take the advantage of the open door today, and i will report back on that later during the commission report. i also want to thank you, chief, in a quick follow up in your second week now, being so responsive to our requests, including putting forward the department bulletin and reminding officers tha