ms. prozan, help us here. it's going to continue and there is going to be noise because this project has to get done. and the project is legal. and the project has been approved by the planning department, and the building department, so what is your resolution? it's is same question. what is your suggested resolution to this board be on the things that we can adjudicate which does not include moving out? because we can't do that. that is a civil matter. so what would your answer to the question be? help us please. >> we have obviously strived to find the best solutions to the google tenant. sending us back to live in that condition is simply not acceptable. it is not livable. so that is kind of the baseline we have to work from here. we have come to the city hall to appeal for protection. we are not willing to work to move out of our home, but we have to. you simply cannot live in that environme environment. we sent out a message to google the very next morning for a meeting. they just met today. i sent in si