ms. ramirez to be assistant secretary of housing and urban development and ms. mcmillan to be the federal transit administrator at the u.s. department of transportation. those in favor say aye. those opposed say they. the eyes have it. the results are here reported verbally to the full senate. >> director watt, thank you very much for your testimony, we will now begin asking questions of our witness. will the clerk please put five minutes on the clock for each member. director watts, first i would like to thank you for extending the comment for the federal home loan bank membership role. how many home loan bank members would not meet the ongoing mortgage participation requirements that have been proposed? >> our review indicates preliminarily that less than 100 would be in that category. there are some that are close to the categories that we proposed, or the percentages that we proposed. and of course, we are still taking comments on that proposed rule and taking those comments into account to minimize any adverse consequences, and will continue to do that thro