ms. kimberly robinson to come forward from the transit story here that some of you may have heard of. ms. robinson is an operator out of the woods division who exemplifies honesty and integrity. she was tracked down by a passenger through abc channel 7 news team so he could properly thank her. she's been with the agency just three and a half years. and back on september 6, she was assigned to drive the 27 line, when one of her riders left his briefcase on the bus. he immediately realized, and he's joining us today, he immediately realized he left his bag with all of his findings, laptop, credit card, medication, platinum ring and most importantly a letter he had just received from the president and the first lady. and maybe we'll allow him to explain why he had such a letter with him. he called the police and filed a report, but resigned himself to the fact that he'd probably never see that stuff again. five days later he received a call from lost and found department informing him that they had his bag with everything inside including