ms. rodgers was right on when she said that those are separate issues. one is, is there necessity, is the system, as presently configured, running at capacity, and that's a separate issue from how you go about identifying a site that can overcome that and provide additional capacity. >> if you don't understand mind, supervisor, i have gordon, can answer that for you. here. >> good afternoon, i'm gordon spencer with at&t. i guess it's kind of a general question but there are several aspects that go into the design of the network, not least of which is the traffic engineering that's done on a national basis and a local basis. we also look at the other sites in the area, see what we can do to upgrade those. those are separate projects. those also tend to come under the c.e.u. process so we are doing all of those things. sites of our antenna is never ideal because of all the limitations in the city, in this case, as many others, it's not ideal, but it does satisfy our needs for improving the capacity of the network in this particular area. supervisor campos: