ms. ros-lehtinen: if i could reserve the right to close. mr. berman clon: i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from florida. ms. ros-lehtinen: thank you so much, madam speaker. i yield myself the remaining time. i thank my good friend from california, mr. berman, for his leadership role in bringing this bill to the floor today. i thank our majority leader, mr. cantor, as well as the minority whip, mr. hoyer. this bill before us, madam speaker, the united states-israel enhanced security cooperation act is an important one. it sends a clear signal and a clear message throughout the world to our friends and to our enemies that the united states stands foursquare with our indispensable ally, the democratic jewish state of israel. this bill is a reaffirmation of our staunch commitment to israel's security, its right to self-defense, and its right to exist. it is a testament to our friendship with israel that has served us so well for the last 64 years, and will continue to serve us well for many generations to