ms. sanchez: good morning, madam speaker. i rise today to recognize a very special individual by the name of first lieutenant wayne t. hogancamp. he lives in orange county, california, was awarded the third highest honor in the military for gallantry of action, is the ver star, on january 1, 1945. while in command of an m-8 cannon platoon and advancing over an enemy controlled road in the philippines, he maneuvered his m-8 through a barrage of enemy artillery fire and successfully destroyed two 77 millimeter guns thus allowing his column to advance. while continuously exposed to enemy fire and using a burning m-5 tank for cover, he eliminated the enemy threat, allowing the safe passage of his men. first lieutenant hogancamp's bravery is a testament to the dedication and valor of himself, his unit, and the united states army. it was an honor for me and my office to have helped lieutenant hogancamp obtain his much hogancamp obtain his much deserved silver st