ms. seto's concerns include the following. that the project is incompatible with surrounding buildings with respect to depth and negatively affects the mid-block open space. that the project's form is incompatible with her building with respect to the shared driveway. that the project negatively affects views of the mid-block open space. and that the project would negatively affect the ability to have a garden or landscaping in the rear yard. mr. zucker's concerns include the following. that the project sets a precedent for futurer development in terms of building depth, that the project in conjunction with the existing nonconforming garage structure negatively affects light and air and air to his property and that the project will cast shadows on his property. the residential design team reviewed the project following the submittal of the d-r request and made the following comments. the rdt found the proposed horizontal addition to be appropriately setback from both side property lines to reduce any negative effects to adjace