ms. shaffer, next speaker. >> supervisors, my name is paul and i'm here representing only myself, i'm an independent health care analyst and someone who is involve ined the development of both healthy san francisco and the health care security ordinance, i want to talk about the history, they are not the same thing, health care security ordinance of which tom miano was the primary author started out as an effort to put a floor underneath the employer offered health insurance to san francisco workers, to stop them from bleeding people out by taking away their incentive to cut it and in an attempt to provide more resources to other san franciscans with other insurance, how they arose out of the niche yatd t*if from pitch cats to make the best of those resources and use the public discussion as an opportunity to reorganize is health care system in a more rational fashion, so let me break this down quickly, this discussion is not about saving healthy san francisco because it would be political suicide to mismantle healthy san france, it's not going to be dismantled, whether it's going to be