ms. slavin: indeed. mr. limbert: if there had been congressional oversight and congress had decided, no, no this is not right, would i have had to get on a plane and go back to tehran? and i have noticed that the wording seems to be, the people are being very careful. one side seems we talking about oversight, the other about consultation. as we know in this town, these are very different things. ms. slavin: indeed. the lady right here. i'm so glad we got the executive agreement that got you out of tehran. >> we talked about how there is a bit of a cement wall between the syrian conflict and that nuclear negotiations, and how the administration seems more amenable to saudi concerns than israeli concerns. would that same wall exist for the kind of conflict in yemen between the saudis and the iranians? is that going to be a similar wall, or that be more difficult to negotiate in terms of saudi concerns within the nuclear agreement? ms. slavin: i think that syria is a much more serious crisis. yemen has been a