ms. somera will speak to that, but studies have shown time and time again that some in san francisco, especially open spaces and sidewalks are really important and objectively immeasurable on human comfort. it is really important in the city more so than other places. why allow development that would cast shadows on the park across the street? president chiu: if we could just wrap it up? >> i will. i want to and on an absolute truth. i want to show you one of the absolute truths. it will be economic to build with in that law. if they can be broken or changed, then all of a sudden, it will not be economic. it is called grade. -- greed. president chiu: our next speaker, ed. >> thank you. i think it is important that this golden gate swim club was seen as necessary 50 years ago because there was a great deal of high-density housing being built on the site. that need has not changed. the commitment to that open space, it and i do not want to use the word open space without saying active recreational space, has been challenged. this is the fourth time. three previous times, prospective developments h