ms. speier: all right. it's now my pleasure to yield time to my good, good, good friend and colleague from california, who has been an outspoken advocate for gun violence prevention for decades, barbara lee. ms. lee: thank you very much. first of all let me thank you, congresswoman speier, for bringing us all together today to speak out on the important issue of addressing gun violence, not next month, not next year, not next congress, but right now. and i have to just thank you so much for your tremendous leadership. yourself and congresswoman mccarthy, both of you have so eloquently laid out why we need gun violence safety measures. both with your intellect and with your heart. both of you have shared your very painful experiences, really basically so that others can live rather than die from gunshots. thank you so much for staying the course. i can think of no more important subject than what we are talking about today because gun violence has been destroying communities, taking lives, and injuring too ma