ms. stabenow: mr.ident? the presiding officer: the senator from michigan. ms. stabenow: are we in a quorum call? the presiding officer: we are in a quorum call. ms. stabenow: i would ask that the quorum call be suspended. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. ms. stabenow: mr. president, i understand we are in the process of putting together a series of votes, but while we have a moment i'd like to ask unanimous consent to speak as if in morning business. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection, so ordered. ms. stabenow: thank you very much. first, i do want to thank our leaders on this important agriculture bill and the chairman who i appreciate so much all of his hard work. we have a great bill in front of us. and the ranking member from kansas. i want to actually speak for a moment about legislation that the ranking member, senator brownback, and i have been working on now for some time. it's the first piece of it has proven to be extremely effective, despite the