ms. stacey, can you please explain. >> president, kate stacey in the city attorney's office. a finding that the project sponsor intends to make the employee cafeteria on a regular basis to non-profit organizations for meetings and events. it raises a couple of legal issues as a condition of approval, both as to takings and i'm not really sure what the intent of that condition is, if it's meant to be free space to non-profit organizations or reduced rent, but there may also be some commercial rent conditions raised. so i think the commission could certainly note it as an important part of the project, that the project sponsor has indicated this intent. but i think for the city to enforce it, we would have to take a pause and make sure we can defend it as a regulatory requirement. >> may i ask a follow-up question, which is, so if they don't rent the space, if we do it as a finding and then they don't allow non-profits to use the space or if successors don't allow non-profits to use the space, is there anything the city can do to enforce that if it's not a condition of approval