ms. stafford: i absolutely agree. i think there is a reason for a campus process and i think campuses of certainly have a place in the process. i don't want to see them become law enforcement agencies. i think students have the right to choose whether or not they want to move forward with pressing charges and if they do, law-enforcement is there for that. the campuses provide an alternative for students as far as the disciplinary process and we have continued to strengthen that process. i fully support not making campuses try to take the place of law enforcement. law enforcement has a specific place and they will do their job if called upon to do it. ms. napolitano: i would concur and say the goal of the student disciplinary process is different than the criminal process. i think, however, there can be greater linkage between campuses and law enforcement in appropriate cases and there are ways to do that. sen. alexander: the last question i have is this. what can we do or not do to make sure that colleges establish pr