ms. stoner, my concern is on the expanded definition of diesel. it's very clear that diesel fuels is included in the 2005. but if i drove a diesel truck, which i don't, if i drove a diesel truck, and then poured kerosene into it, i would not consider that a diesel fuel. if i drove a diesel truck and i pulled up and instead of filling it up with diesel i instead put crude oil in there or home heating oil in there, it would not run. because it's a december he vehicle on that. and the definition is fairly clear, it's diesel fuels. the new expanded definition of diesel fuels appears, and that's what i want to have a dialogue about. many of the companies that are doing fracking saw the ruling in 2005, saw the statement from congress saying that diesel fuels will be regulated, and so they shifted away from diesel fuel. and this has the perception that because they no longer use diesel fuels, we have to redefine what is a diesel fuel to make sure what they are using is included. does that make sense? so crude oil, home heating oil, kerosene, however thos