ms. summa? page 7, line 7. >> yes, mr. chair. this is a product of somebody not being able to read my handwriting. should read "we urge congress to strengthen the born alive infant protection act by enacting civil and criminal penalties on health care providers. "it's just correcting -- >> without objection, that amendment will be agreed to. [inaudible conversations] >> okay. let's see, is there anything else? i think -- is there any other discussion on that section? mr. barton? >> i had seen an amendment that was circulating earlier that dealt with the issue of harm to women that was to be introduced here? i'm assuming it -- >> i have no other amendments, and i'm not asking for any. >> yeah, right. [laughter] >> mr. chairman? >> yes, sir. >> mr. chairman, page 7, line 10 there occurs to be a typo. >> i'm sorry, sir. name and state again, leads? >> i'm sorry. john sigler, delaware. on page 7, line 10, there appears to be a typographical error. the word "for" following the word lethal, i believe that should be "form." >> after mos